
The Academy for Diaspora Literacy, Inc. engages educators, students at all levels, parents and community leaders in transformative, collaborative learning-by-doing to support racial and social justice in the world.


Our Beginning

Academy for Diaspora Literacy. Inc. is a non-profit social entrepreneurship organization founded by Dr. Joyce E. King and Dr. Hassimi O. Maiga. Dr. King and Dr. Maiga’s life of academic excellence, deep cultural knowledge, committed service, prolific research and publishing, educational leadership experience, inspired teaching and thoughtful guidance has touched the lives of students, educators, higher education researchers, families and community activists who work to educate a wide spectrum of students of African ancestry from grade school to graduate school with outcomes that are beneficial for young people of all backgrounds.

Our Vision

The vision of the Academy for Diaspora Literacy, Inc. is to engage with people of African ancestry of all ages here and there in the world, and caring educators on healing journeys of heritage knowledge recovery to connect with memories of our future and to use proven culturally informed practices of education and socialization to nourish human freedom for our people and for the world’s well-being.

The Academy facilitates Diaspora Literacy and engagement with heritage knowledge and broader issues of social justice in the world. In communities, locally and globally, the Academy engages educators, families and youth at all levels in transformative learning for critical cultural consciousness. Using heritage knowledge and proven culturally informed education practice, the Academy for Diaspora Literacy, Inc. nourishes human freedom.

Our Mission



The Academy’s Partnership Method is based on the traditional African cultural ethos, “I am because we are”—Ubuntu—that centers on mutually beneficial, authentic collaboration. The Academy makes virtual learning spaces available for educators, schools, non-profit organizations and cultural entities to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations and to achieve sustainable and equitable impact, community accountability and mission fulfillment.


“Sesa Wo Suban”

— Change or Transform Your Life

African-focused way of doing and being that informs the programs and practices that permeate all that we do collectively and collaboratively.


Collaborate into Action

Guided protocols of academic and cultural excellence for virtual events, podcasts, transmedia productions, etc. that enable participation in a level of deepened collaboration grounded in African cultural heritage that leads to a desire to take the knowledge gained and commit to tangible action that moves the needle for a particular program, project and school.

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About the Academy

The Academy serves as the umbrella for the programs, initiatives and collaborations that Dr. King designed, launched and leads with the strategic goal of “restoring heritage knowledge and re-building community capacity.”

This focus is an explicit and intentional response to the systemic racism, discrimination and legacies of slavery that have disconnected people of African ancestry from the rich and dynamic cultural heritage that is:

  • Confirmed as the first early human species, approximately 1.9 million years ago from the Olduvai Gorge in the Great Rift Valley in the eastern Serengeti Plains in the Arusha Region in East Africa, now known as Tanzania.

  • The builder of the great Nubian and Kush pyramids across what is now the Sudan and Kemet (Egypt). The pyramids remain a mystery to modern architects and builders as the mathematics, architectural design, complex construction and maintenance of these remarkable structures defy explanation given the tools and resources thought to be available when they were built.

  • Ghana, Mali and Songhoy—West Africa’s three great classical empires. Ghana, the major power below the Sahara from the 8th to the last part of the 12th century, controlled the sources of Africa’s fabled gold. As Ghana’s power declined, Sunjata established the Mali Empire, which eventually encompassed more territory than Ghana ever had. In 1464, Sonni Ali Ber (“the Great”), ruler of the Nilo-Saharan peoples collectively identified as Songhoy (also Songhay, Songhai or Sonrai), founded the Songhoy Empire, which flourished in the 15th – 16th centuries. Sonni Ali lost his throne to Askia Muhammad the Great, the devout Muslim emperor who supported education and learning and strengthened the Songhoy civilization. At its peak, Songhoy was the largest state in African history. In 1591, the Moroccan army invaded and defeated Songhoy with superior weapons. It is said that we are the continuation of the journey of the Songhoy people who trace their origins to ancient Kemet.

Joyce E. King at the 2018 Alumni Excellence in Education Award Ceremony. For more information on past recipients and nomination guidelines please see:

Dr. Joyce King’s impact can be traced back to 1965 when she arrived at Stanford University as an undergraduate student. Her education, research, writing, teaching, training and leadership have been grounded in the concept she authored of “dysconscious racism” which refers to the uncritical perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and assumptions held by teachers and others that perpetuate inequity in education and society. This concept drives all of Dr. King’s scholarship, programs, partnerships and activities to deliver an impact that is both measurable and most importantly sustainable.

More about Dr. King →



25,000+ Children & Educators Impacted

Through programs like the Songhoy Princess Clubs, International and partnerships with non-profits, schools and cultural organizations Dr. King has directly influenced and impacted more than 15,000 children, youth and young adults.

$5 Million+ Dollars Secured

The financial resources needed to carry out the critical research, teaching and community-based work that has been part of Dr. King’s personal life and professional career include more than $5M+ secured from corporations, foundations, NGOs, individuals, local, regional and state governments.